






































Web Site Preparation


Search Engine Submission

There are two things that must be done in order to have your web site appear on the major search engine results pages. The first is to prepare, optimize and review the particular pages that make up your site. The second is to submit the page or pages to the search engines. This document will cover the main points of the first topic.

  1. Web Site Preparation
  • Robustness - The preparation of the web site consists of a review of each of the pages on your site looking for completeness and to check all the links. Many search engines will not list your site if there are broken links or some of the pages are incomplete. Some search engines will not list your site if it is hosted at a free provider, or if it is not up 7 by 24 by 365 days per year.
  • Inter Site Links - Some of the search engines will rate your site higher if there are links from your home page to other pages in your site and lots of links back to your home page from the sites pages.
  • Meta Tags - These html tags are indispensable to getting your site listed and rated high. The first three tags listed are the most important and must be included in your site. These three tags are the whole enchilada - it is really important that you do a good job describing your business and adding keywords that are descriptive and focused on what your business does. The rest are optional. They are listed here with a brief description.

          <title>Type your Title Here</title>

          <meta name="description" content="Type your web site description here">

          <meta name="keywords" content="type,your,keywords,here,seperated,by,commas">

          <meta name="revisit-after" content="15 - Type a NUMBER ONLY, for revisit days">

          <meta name="distribution" content="Type either Global or Local">

          <meta name="rating" content="Type either ALL or General or Mature or Restricted or Safe For Kids">

          <meta name="copyright" content="Type your name and copyright information here">

          <meta name="author" content="Type name of author here">

          <meta http-equiv="reply-to" content="Type your reply email address here">

          <meta name="language" content="Type language of your web page here, example: en-us">

  • Content - The Page that you are submitting should have paragraphs on it. The search engines will read the Meta tags and compare them to the content that it finds in the paragraphs on the page. If the paragraphs and the tags don't match up the engine will consider the Meta tags spam and not list your site. DO NOT under any circumstances make the color of the text the same as the background color. If the page your trying to list has only pictures and hyperlinks on it then it will not get rated very high.
  • Images - It helps if the page your listing has at least one image and you set the alt property for it to : alt="your key words" this will get picked up by most of the search engines.
  • Comments - Have a comment line at the top of your page with a simple sentence that has the first word in it equal to your most important keyword. <! -- Keyword then the rest of the sentence-- >